Nurturing Communication Skills for Introverts
Effective communication skills are essential for success in today’s highly interconnected and fast-paced business world. While extroverts may have a natural advantage in this area, introverts bring their own unique strengths to the table. By understanding and harnessing these strengths, introverts can thrive in business communication. 5 valuable strategies for introverts to enhance their communication […]
How to Become a Better Storyteller
![How to become a better storyteller by Virtual ME Solutions (image of a group of people sitting around a table laughing)](
What is the most memorable kind of communication? A good old-fashioned story, of course! Whether it’s through hieroglyphics, parables, fairy tales, or fables, a good story is the deepest way to connect the mind to the soul. Walk into any classroom, and you’ll find teachers educating their students with stories. Walk into a major corporation, […]
Essential Communication Skills for Leaders
![Essential Communication Skills for Leaders by Virtual ME (image of 2 people with tin cans on strings playing telephone)](
Being in a leadership position can be a real test of your communication skills. To effectively work together to reach your shared goals, you have to be able to connect with your team. You may be surprised to hear that almost 57% of employees say their manager gives them inadequate directions, and 69% of managers […]
How to Keep the Conversation Going
![How to Keep the Conversation Going, Virtual ME Solutions (image of 3 people engaged in conversation)](
Picture it; you are at a work gathering or invited to a party with people you don’t know well; someone walks up to you and strikes up a casual conversation. You introduce yourself and exchange niceties. Then what? If you are an introvert like me, it’s not so easy to keep the conversation going. My […]