‘Tis the Season ~ 7 Ways to Give That Don’t Require Money

Tis the Season, 7 Ways to Give That Don't Require Money (image of a jar full of coins tipped on it's side, jar says Donate on it)

We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give. ~Winston Churchill ‘Tis the season for giving ~ and receiving. Nearly one-third of all charitable giving happens in the last three months of the year. It is a busy time of year for most philanthropic organizations between Giving […]

Handling Holiday Stress

Handling Holiday Stress, Virtual ME Solutions (image of a woman holding wrapped packages and screaming with stress)

It’s hard to believe, but the holiday season is upon us. So much gets packed into these last six weeks of the year; it’s no wonder we all feel stressed! A recent study found that 74% of people say they have felt so stressed during the past year that they have been unable to cope. […]

A Walk a Day Can Keep the Doctor Away

A Walk a Day Can Keep the Doctor Away, Virtual ME Solutions (image of 2 people walking)

Have you been feeling a little down in the dumps, overweight or bloated? Is your blood pressure or blood sugar just a little too high? Having trouble falling asleep? Don’t be overwhelmed; the solution to these common everyday problems might be as simple as walking for 30 minutes each day. A simple walk might seem […]

7 Tips to Banish Brain Fog

7 Tips to Banish Brain Fog, Virtual ME Solutions (image of 3 trees with leaves trimmed to resemble human heads, each tree has fewer leaves than the other)

Ever have one of those days where you feel like you are out of step? We all have a little brain fog now and again. Brain fog can be frustrating and significantly limit your productivity and creativity. But never fear; there are steps you can take to cut down or even eliminate brain fog. Try […]