Have you been feeling a little down in the dumps, overweight or bloated? Is your blood pressure or blood sugar just a little too high? Having trouble falling asleep? Don’t be overwhelmed; the solution to these common everyday problems might be as simple as walking for 30 minutes each day.
A simple walk might seem like child’s play when you see others out running marathons or competing in fitness challenges. But walking every day can be a very healthy alternative if you lack the time or interest in intense exercise or competition.
Did you know that some experts believe that the chair was the worst invention ever created? We’ve all heard the saying, “sitting is the new smoking.” The human body was built for walking, and you can do a lot to enhance your health by standing up and moving.
Here are the top 10 benefits of walking every day:
1. You’ll feel better. It may sound simple, but getting out of the house and breathing a little fresh air is proven to enhance your mood and outlook on life.
2. It’s good for your bones. Research shows that hip fractures are significantly reduced in postmenopausal women that walk for at least 30 minutes each day.
3. Daily walks improve sleep. People that walk every day have a lower incidence of insomnia. If you are having trouble sleeping, then walking every day will benefit you.
4. Lower your risk of chronic disease. Studies prove that walking every day significantly lowers your risk of developing diabetes or suffering a stroke. Walking 30 minutes a day can reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease by 30%. Even a simple stroll can lower your blood pressure.
5. Get things moving smoothly. If constipation is an issue, a walk can work wonders to get your bowels moving.
6. Develop a great habit. Research shows that the most successful people have good routines. Daily walks can help maintain positive practices in your life.
7. Lose a little weight. Increasing your exercise without increasing how many calories you take in can help you drop a few pounds. Even if you don’t lose a lot of weight, you may find that your tight clothing fits you much more comfortably.
8. Keep your brain stimulated. Older seniors that walk daily have a 50% decreased risk of developing Alzheimer’s or dementia.
9. Walking boosts creativity. Studies show that people who walk daily are more creative than those who sit. Are you having a challenge at home or work? Take a nice long walk, and the solution will most likely come to you.
10. You’ll live longer. Research shows that people who spend more time on their feet live longer than those that sit all day. In fact, it is suggested that a daily walk can add 3-7 years to your life.
Going for a walk can do so much for your health and outlook on life! And the best part is, there’s no new skill to learn or expensive equipment to buy. Walking is free, low-impact, and simple to do.
So, get up off your chair, lace up your shoes and head out the door. Your body, and your brain, will thank you!
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