Image of a woman sitting at a desk wearing a headset and talking into a microphone with wording: Mastering the Masterclass with Kajabi,

Mastering the Masterclass with Kajabi

Hexagon logo with wording: Moon Temple Mystery SchoolMoon Temple Mystery School is a magical place that seamlessly merges ancient wisdom with contemporary life. Their curated courses take individuals on a transformative journey, fostering a deep connection with their inner truth and facilitating a paradigm shift in perspectives. The Mystery School path removes barriers and takes participants into a life fully lived with their spiritual gifts activated.

As an integral component of their teachings, Moon Temple Mystery School presents The Witching Hour—a monthly masterclass offered without charge. This event promises an evening of enchantment, transcending the boundaries between worlds, and engaging in profound soul-level work. The Witching Hour serves as an introductory glimpse into the magical possibilities that unfold when one embarks on the teachings of the Mystery School.

The Problem~

Mystery School faced a significant challenge in managing registrations, communications, and replays for their monthly free masterclass, The Witching Hour. As the popularity of the masterclass grew, the manual process initially employed became increasingly cumbersome and prone to errors.

Coordinating registrations, sending timely email notifications, and ensuring that attendees received reminders for the live session and access to the replay created a logistical challenge. The school needed an efficient and automated solution to streamline these tasks, allowing them to focus more on the content and experience they provided during The Witching Hour.

The Solution~

Kajabi LogoTo address these challenges, we implemented a comprehensive solution using Kajabi, an all-in-one platform for online courses, memberships, and marketing. First, we created a user-friendly registration form and a captivating landing page that provided a clear overview of The Witching Hour masterclass.

Leveraging Kajabi’s automation capabilities, we implemented a system to tag registrants automatically and send them a personalized welcome email, enhancing the participant experience from the start. Additionally, we set up automations to send email reminders ahead of the masterclass and share the video replay link after the masterclass with those who registered.

The Outcome~

Implementing the Kajabi system enhanced and streamlined The Witching Hour masterclass process. The registration process became effortlessly streamlined, allowing for a more significant number of participants without the burden of manual data entry. Attendees benefited from timely and personalized communications, receiving welcome emails, session reminders, and easy access to replay links.

The automated system not only saved time and resources but also enhanced the overall participant experience. The Witching Hour process is now more efficient, running on autopilot, allowing Moon Temple Mystery School to focus on creating enriching content and fostering a sense of community among its participants.

Masterclass mastered!

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Ready to take back your time and be more productive? Organization is my superpower! Contact Virtual ME Solutions today to learn how I can help you grow your business.

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Hi, I'm Michele

Organization is my superpower! I am a Certified Virtual Expert® helping solopreneurs and small business professionals reduce their workload so they can increase their productivity and take their business to the next level.

My husband and I live in our little patch of the woods in northeast Ohio with 4 crazy cats. When I’m not working, you can find me crafting, puttering in the garden, or volunteering at our local animal shelter.


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